News Class Of 2008: Alphabeat
‘We all live in the same house and every morning we get up at 8am and shower together. water is fucking expensive!
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Alphabeat return with first single in six years, ‘Shadows’
The Danes will follow with a new album in the autumn.
1st March 2019, 12:00am
Alphabeat - The Spell
2 Stars
It seems that the '<b>beat</b> have forgotten themselves somewhat.
20th October 2009, 2:59pm
Alphabeat, Leeds Met University
The crowd sing along to every song at the top of their voices.
21st November 2008, 1:54pm
Alphabeat, Koko, London
While saying negative things about <b>Alphabeat</b> feels as wrong as kicking a puppy down a flight of stairs, criticise we must.
5th June 2008, 2:07pm
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