EP Review

UNIVERSITY - Title Track

The outfit’s five-song debut EP is akin to experiencing a build of anxiety.

UNIVERSITY - Title Track

According to UNIVERSITY, they’re “like getting punched in the face by a gorilla but then being cuddled afterwards”. Listening to ‘Title Track’, the outfit’s five-song debut EP, however, is more akin to experiencing a build of anxiety from said impending simian slap - but never getting hit. Or, picture if you will, a perpetual build to a circle pit, the tempo shifting constantly as the hole grows ever larger… but the release doesn’t come. That’s either going to sound thrilling or frustrating, and for the former, this collision of ‘00s math rock and ‘20s shouty post-punk is likely to provide an exciting listen. But if it’s the danceable riffs and the yearn for catharsis that is occasionally hinted at that form the standout parts, it could well leave you still cowering.

Tags: UNIVERSITY, Neu, Reviews, EP Reviews

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