
Somebody was arrested for singing Beyoncé too loudly

A man’s gusto-filled rendition didn’t go down very well in an Atlanta shopping mall.

We’ve all been there, haven’t we? Listening to something like Beyoncé’s ‘Lemonade’ on the morning commute, as empowerment levels are doubling by the millisecond, there’s always the danger that things can get a little out of hand.

Most of the time, the consequences are small; overzealous foot-tapping, or an accidental outburst of song disguised by a hasty cough at the most. One man in Atlanta, however, took things to the next level. He was arrested for singing ‘Formation’ too loudly in a shopping mall.

The police’s problem was likely less with Beyoncé’s music as a whole, and more to do with the fact that said man was howling ‘Formation’s stand-out lyric “when he fucks me good I take his ass to Red Lobster,” while taking a leisurely stroll through a mall. Won’t somebody think of the children!

Watch the ‘Formation’ related hoo-hah below.

Tags: Beyoncé, News

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