Human Interest: “Watching people start a mosh pit to our music for the first time was an incredible feeling”
The East London duo give us a track-by-track rundown of their sophomore EP 'Empathy Lives In Outer Space'.
23rd November 2023, 1:00pm
The East London duo give us a track-by-track rundown of their sophomore EP 'Empathy Lives In Outer Space'.
23rd November 2023, 1:00pm
DIY's essential guide to the best new music.
20th October 2023, 12:00pm
DIY's essential guide to the best new music.
29th September 2023, 3:52pm
One step beyond
The festival will take place from 11th-14th October across Manchester city centre, with a focus on emerging artists and grassroots venues.
5th July 2023, 4:13pm
Featuring Green Day, English Teacher, Everything Everything, Caity Baser and more!