Boston Manor: “At this point you don’t get to put out shit stuff!”
Vocalist Henry Cox tells us about their surprise new EP "Desperate Times Desperate Pleasures'.
29th October 2021, 12:00am
Vocalist Henry Cox tells us about their surprise new EP "Desperate Times Desperate Pleasures'.
29th October 2021, 12:00am
Vocalist Henry Cox tells us about their surprise new EP 'Desperate Times Desperate Pleasures'.
29th October 2021, 12:00am
EP Review
4-5 Stars
Boston Manor’s most assertive release yet.
28th October 2021, 8:00am
Declan McKenna, Sports Team and AJ Tracey also impress on the festival’s first day.
28th August 2021, 12:00am
The throngs of merch-clad fans pouring through the gates is immediate testament to its impact on the scene.
9th July 2021, 12:00am
A weekend of pure euphoria, a showcase of the incredible talent in British rock and metal in 2021, and a chance to feel hopeful at the prospect of a future without social distancing or masks.
28th June 2021, 12:00am
‘Be Nothing’ is out 30th September.
31st August 2016, 12:00am
Featuring Green Day, English Teacher, Everything Everything, Caity Baser and more!